A message from the Havet Management Team

To all our customers,

We truly cannot wait to see you again and to be able to welcome you back in our restaurants once again.

The effects of COVID have had an impact on all businesses throughout the country, and even more so on the price of raw materials. Whilst every effort has been made to maintain our prices, the increase in lamb prices has been so great that it is no longer sustainable for us to offer our lamb dishes at the price we do.

The price of UK lamb has increased by almost 150% over the last year, and whilst there are cheaper, inferior products available from overseas, which have been frozen for transportation, we will never use an inferior product to maintain our prices, or compromise our ethos of ‘fresh food, daily’.

Many other restaurants have overcome the issue we are facing by using a different, inferior cut of meat, mostly using the leg or the shoulder – this also in not an option for us, we stand true to our values of offering the best product for our customers. For our lamb shish, we will always use the middle neck fillet, the only cut that can truly give you the most tender and flavoursome meat. Our lamb chops will also always remain as best end cuts, again for the same reason.

Most importantly, our lamb will always be UK lamb, not only for its superior quality, but also so that we can support UK farmers.

In light of the result COVID has had on the meat market, we have had no other option but to introduce an additional charge on our lamb products in order for our restaurants to remain sustainable, and in order for us to continue to offer the freshest product of the highest quality to our customers. This surcharge will not be applied to the Meze, Chicken, Fish and Vegetarian options on our menu.

Whilst we appreciate this may not be welcome news, we hope that we have explained our reasons and hope that you can appreciate, and understand, the choice we have made.

The last year has been an incredibly tough year, but we are coming through it and will be here to welcome you with open arms very, very soon.

With very best wishes

The Havet management team